THE ISLAND OF DEATH - MULTIMEDIA EVENT read performance script...
Prologue On the front of the stage stands a podium. Beside the podium - on the left and right side - stand two microphone stands. In the middle of the stage facing the wall stands an empty chair. On the right side of the stage stands a table. On the table lies/stand: a plastic pig mask, a bottle of talcum powder, a box with black eye shadow and two razor blades. The stage is pitch dark. M dressed in black cloths enters the stage. He positions himself in front of the podium and start to take his cloths off. Underneath the black clothes he wears a white T-shirt and white boxer shorts. M sits down on the chair in the middle the stage, face against the wall, back turned against the audience. The film starts – projected on the stage wall behind M. --- Sandmann Spotlight on the podium. M turns around and positions himself behind the podium. M whispers a children’s rhyme in microphone 1: Warte, warte nur ein Weilchen, Bald kommt Haarmann auch zu Dir Mit dem Hacke-Hacke Beilchen Macht er Rind-Gulasch aus Dir. Warte, warte nur ein Weilchen, Bald kommt der Schwarze Mann zu dir, Mit dem kleinen Hackebeilchen Macht er Schabefleisch aus dir M grabs microphone 2 and shouts the lyrics of the children’s rhyme. --- The Killers M puts on the pig mask, picks up one of the razor blades and climbs the chair. M cuts a deep gash into his right thigh. M stands still on the chair while the blood trickles down his leg. --- The Lamb M removes the pig mask, steps down from the chair and positions himself behind the podium. M recites the lyrics in Microphone 1 and 2: To release the pig in me, though only swine may enter into perfection, I loose myself in your glamour your flesh: rotten kisses of your tongue. I burst out laughing: a sudden outburst, skyscraping the ceiling, a leap, then falling… The windows are imploding! The pressure is too high! Birth/Death smiles back at you: rotten fruit of thy womb! Nailed to the wall depression the full void of death…resemblance? The portrait: Joan/Sebastian! (bright) - (young) untouched by the world. Sharp outlines… the bright violence of the mirror glass reflection… the redness of the mouth… (the moist muteness of a tongue) ...about to speak! I’ve always been here, embraced your touch, hid beneath the skin sheet, bricked up behind the bone cellars attic walls. A pair of scissors in my hand. Double! Hanging from the branch in the garden where I left you! Double! Is that you spewing from my wound? Double! Sill exposed to the cold light of the cameras! Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17 Leave Drive to Clemente Park. Gear up. Get back by 11:15. Park cars, set car bombs for 11:18 get out, go to outside hill, wait. When first bombs go off, attack. have fun! Together we mount the barbed wired fences… the stages and gallows erected between Heaven and Earth. Our trophy (iron cross) carved into our shoulder. Our severed member lodged in the cavity of our wound/womb. 5:00 up 6:00 meet at KS 7:00 go to Reb’s house 7:15 he leaves to fill propane I leave to fill gas 8:30 meet back at his house 9:00 made d. bag set up car 9:30 practice gearups Chill 10:30 set up 4 things 11:00 go to school 11:10 set up duffel bags 11:12 wait near cars, gear up 11:16 HAHAHA --- The Sacrifice M puts on the pig mask, picks up one of the razor blades and climbs the chair. M cuts a deep gash in his left thigh. M stands still on the chair while the blood trickles down his leg. M removes the pig mask – holding it in his right hand, steps down from the chair and positions himself in front of the podium, grabs microphone 2 and recites the lyrics: Holy terror! (- desolate mother’s empty socket) Holy terror! (-impotent father’s empty socket) Holy- terror- coming- mother! Step right up! Holy- terror- coming- father! Step right up! Blood rushed to the groin, anxiously awaiting the impact! Of sacrifice and murder!… Of action and carnal sensation!… Of chance and accident!… Of beauty and the wound!… Coitus… will you become me? --- Epilogue M position himself in front of the podium. The lights goes out. The film ends. M sings Nick Drake’s Black Eyed Dog into microphone 1 with a fragile whispering voice: A black eyed dog he called at my door The black eyed dog he called for more A black eyed dog he knew my name A black eyed dog he knew my name A black eyed dog A black eyed dog. I'm growing old and I wanna go home I'm growiing old and I don't wanna know I'm growing old and I wanna go home… The stage is pitch dark. ..................................... Photo: Karolina Urbaniak Video: Karolina Urbaniak Coitus… will you enter me? ---